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Maine Agriculture in the Classroom


School Garden Day

Maine School Garden Intensive 2015

Maine School Garden Plant Breeding Intensive

K–12 Educator Training Workshop, at Johnny's Selected Seeds
Saturday, May 2, 8:00–3:30 with Myra Manning & Associates

All participants will receive Certificates for 6 contact hours or .6 CEU's.

The cost for the full day program is $35 ($45 after April 25) and includes "Local foods" lunch. Scholarships are available.

For more information, please contact: MAITC at 287-5522 or

Building on last year's superb seed saving intensive, this spring, members of the Johnny's Selected Seeds plant breeding department, in collaboration with MAITC, will guide participants through the process by which your favorite vegetable varieties are developed. The Johnny’s breeding program uses traditional breeding methods, guiding the genetics of both self-pollinating and cross-pollinating crops by selecting and hand pollinating. Come learn more about where your hybrid and open-pollinated seeds come from and methods of developing your own new and exciting varieties, including hands-on pollination activities and exploration of curriculum connections at all levels.

Maine School Garden Day May 9, 2015

New and established school garden enthusiasts will not want to miss this incredible day!

Maine School Garden Day 2015 will be held at Sanford Regional Technical Center, 52 Sanford High School Blvd., on May 9th from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM, hosted by the Landscaping and Horticulture Program. Workshops and presentations will include School Orchard Management, Using the Garden to Teach Good Nutrition, Seed Saving, Cooking with Kids, and much more! The SATC will hold tours of their garden, high tunnel and aquaponics program. A panel of the school gardens will share programs and answer questions.

Past Maine School Garden Day